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- Come with me to Easter at Oaks Church! | Red Oak, TX
Join us for a special Easter experience at Oaks Church as we celebrate the hope and Resurrection of Jesus Christ! Be a part of these powerful worship services with your whole family on March 30th at 4 PM and 5:30 PM, and March 31st at 8:30 AM, 10 AM, and 11:30 AM. Saturday, March 30th | 4 PM & 5:30 PM Sunday, March 31st | 8:30 AM, 10 AM, & 11:30 AM WATCH NOW Join us as we celebrate Easter at Oaks Church! With experiences and fun Easter activities for the whole family, we can't wait to come together and celebrate the hope and resurrection of Jesus together.
- Tithely | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Tithely Giving is an easy-to-use platform that will allow you to give online. You can make both one-time and recurring gifts with a credit/debit card or ACH transaction. On January 1st, Oaks Church is officially moving to Tithe.ly Giving. Tithely Giving is an easy-to-use platform that will allow you to give online. You can make both one-time and recurring gifts with a credit/debit card or ACH transaction. You can create your Oaks Church online giving account in Tithe.ly by following the steps below: 1. Go to this link . 2. Create a new account by signing up with your email address and set a password. 3. Provide your information. 4. Confirm your email address by clicking on the link you received in your email, and you're all set! Note: Using the same email address and phone number associated with the old giving platform will allow us a smoother transition of your giving records. Recurring giving options are weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly. To create your recurring giving schedule, follow the steps below: 1. Go to this link. 2. Log in by entering your email address and password. 3. Choose "Recurring" from the main menu. 4. Click "Set up Recurring Gift" to create a new gift recurrence. 5. Fill out the details and click "GIVE" Note: Please make sure Oaks Church is displayed under "My Church" on your profile. Securely give online on our Oaks Church website by clicking the button below. GIVE NOW Download the Oaks Church app. It's the easiest way to give! Available in the App Store and Google Play. You can give by texting GIVE to the number (844) 520-1442 . Follow the prompts to complete your gift.
- Our Beliefs | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
At Oaks Church, God's Word is our starting point. We are a church for everybody, and we are part of the Assemblies of God. What we believe in. 1. The Scriptures are inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind. 2 Timothy 3:15-17 // 1 Thessalonians 2:13 // 2 Peter 1:21 2. There is only One True God revealed in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (The Trinity) Deuteronomy 6:4 // Isaiah 43:10-11 // Matthew 28:19 // Luke 3:22 3. In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God’s son, Jesus was both human and divine. Matthew 1:23 // Hebrews 7:26 // Acts 2:22 // 1 Corinthians 15:3 // Matthew 28:6 // Acts 1:9 4. Though originally good, Man willingly fell to sin–ushering evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world. Genesis 1:26-27 // Genesis 2:17 // Genesis 3:6 // Romans 5:12-19 5. Every person can have restored fellowship with God through salvation (accepting Christ’s offer of forgiveness for sin). Luke 24:47 // John 3:3 // Romans 10:13-15 // Ephesians 2:8 // Titus 2:11 // Titus 3:5-7 6. We practice two ordinances—(1) Water baptism by immersion after repenting of one’s sins and receiving Christ’s gift of salvation, and (2) Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper) as a symbolic remembrance of Christ’s suffering and death for our salvation. Matthew 28:19 // Mark 16:16 // Acts 10:47-48 // Romans 6:4 7. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is a special experience following salvation that empowers believers for witnessing and effective service, just as it did in New Testament times. Luke 24:49 // Acts 1:4 // Acts 1:8 // 1 Corinthians 12:1-31 // Acts 8:12-17 // Acts 10:44-46 // Acts 11:14-16 // Acts 15:7-9 8. The initial physical evidence of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues, as experienced on the Day of Pentecost and referenced throughout Acts and the Epistles. Acts 2:4 // 1 Corinthians 12:4-10 // 1 Corinthians 12:28 9. Sanctification initially occurs at salvation and is not only a declaration that a believer is holy but also a progressive lifelong process of separating from evil as believers continually draw closer to God and become more Christlike. Romans 12:1,2 // 1 Thessalonians 5:23 // Hebrews 12:14 // 1 Peter 1:15-16 // Romans 6:1-13 // Romans 8:1 – 2 10. The Church has a mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin. We believe the Church is the Body of Christ and consists of the people who, throughout time, have accepted God’s offer of redemption (regardless of religious denomination) through the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ. Ephesians 1:22 -23 // Ephesians 2:22 // Hebrews 12:23 11. A divinely called and scripturally ordained leadership ministry serves the Church. The Bible teaches that each of us under leadership must commit ourselves to reach others for Christ, to worship Him with other believers, and to build up or edify the body of believers–the Church. Mark 16:15-20 // John 4:23-24 // Ephesians 4:11-16 12. Divine healing of the sick is a privilege for Christians today and is provided for in Christ’s atonement (His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins). Isaiah 53:4-5 // Matthew 8:16,17 // James 5:14-16 13. In The Blessed Hope—When Jesus raptures His Church prior to His return to Earth (the second coming). At this future moment in time all believers who have died will rise from their graves and will meet the Lord in the air, and Christians who are alive will be caught up with them, to be with the Lord forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 // Romans 8:23 // Titus 2:13 // 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 14. In the millennial reign of Christ when Jesus returns with His saints at His second coming and begins His benevolent rule over earth for 1,000 years. At that time many in the nation of Israel will recognize and accept Him as the Messiah, the Savior who died for them and all mankind. Zechariah 14:5 // Matthew 24:27 // Matthew 24:30 // Revelation 1:7 // Revelation 19:11-14 // Revelation 20:1-6 15. A final judgment will take place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire. Matthew 25:46 // Mark 9:43-48 // Revelation 19:20 // Revelation 20:11-15 // Revelation 21:8 16. We look forward to the perfect New Heavens and a New Earth that Christ is preparing for all people, of all time, who have accepted Him. We will live and dwell with Him there forever following His millennial reign on Earth. “And so shall we forever be with the Lord!” 2 Peter 3:13 // Revelation 21 // Revelation 22
- Foster | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Being a foster parent is one way to help a foster child, but it isn’t the only way. This work takes a team approach and sometimes the best thing you can do is bring dinner. 400,000 CHILDREN IN THE NATIONAL FOSTER SYSTEM 28,000 CHILDREN IN THE TEXAS FOSTER SYSTEM Our Foster/Adopt Ministry exists to wrap around families who choose to follow this command and open their homes to receive the wonderful blessing of loving children who need a stable home. Here are the ways we help families and ways you can help these vulnerable children. PARENT TRAINING SERVE OPPORTUNITIES SUPPORT GROUP Oaks Church Impact • 6 families licensed to foster • 19 foster placements • 4 adoptions • 45+ families completed training to become foster parents • 25+ families engaged in Foster/Adopt support groups • 300 kids supported through Oaks Church Foster Closet Do you want to learn how to become a foster home or even adopt? Our Care Team is hosting a Foster and Adopt Training that'll help you with the first steps and become certified in Texas. Register today! INTEREST FORM TRAINING REGISTRATION Ways we support our Foster/Adopt Families FOSTER AND ADOPTIVE SUPPORT GROUP THE NEW SEMESTER STARTS ON JANUARY 8TH The Foster Support Group is on the 2nd Wednesday of the month and the Adoptive Support Group is on the 4th Wednesday of the month. SIGN-UP HERE! Support
- Giving Resources | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Why should I give? Giving is both a joy and a responsibility of those who are part of the Church. God wants us to be generous, selfless people with a heart to give to others like He has given to us! The Giving Ladder Giving to a church can seem daunting, especially if you've never done it before. We know it's a process and want to help encourage you as you take steps to be the giver God calls you to be! Consider the following steps modeled by the giving ladder: Potential Giver —You give something. Emerging Giver —You occasionally give. Consistent Giver —You give a set amount routinely. Tithe Giver —You give 10% routinely. Extravagant Giver —You give over 10% routinely! For further teaching about the giving ladder, check o ut this message by tapping the button below. WATCH NOW Next Steps
- Prayer Resources | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. Prayer gives us the chance to express our love, commitment, needs, and burdens to God. When we pause, it also gives us a chance to receive comfort, encouragement, peace, and assignments from God too. Why should I pray? Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. Prayer gives us the chance to express our love, commitment, needs, and burdens to God. When we pause, it also gives us a chance to receive comfort, encouragement, peace, and assignments from God too. How should I pray? Prayer is simply talking to God, but sometimes we aren't sure what to talk to Him about. Here is a simple acronym that can help guide your prayer time! P Praise: What blessings can I thank God for today? What do I want to tell God that I love about Him? R Repent: Is there anything wrong I've done that I need to confess? Is there anything God asked me to do that I didn't do? Thank God for forgiveness, and ask for the strength to say yes today. A Ask: What are the needs, hardships, or burdens I'm carrying right now? How can I pray for the people I love? Ask God for help and to work in the places you know need it. Y Yield: God, is there anything you want to say to me today? Take time to listen, perhaps even write or reflect. Let God know you trust Him, no matter what, and that the day belongs to Him. Guided Prayer Videos
- Growth Track | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Growth Track exists to create an intentional environment for you to gather and grow. Our heart is to help set you on a "Growth Track" for the rest of your life and walk with you every step of the way. We hope you make life-long connections here and feel equipped to fulfill your God-given purpose. Get connected at Growth Track EVERY FIRST AND THIRD SUNDAY DURING SECOND SERVICE IN THE GROWTH TRACK ROOM Growth Track exists to create an intentional environment for you to gather and grow. Our heart is to help set you on a "Growth Track" for the rest of your life and walk with you every step of the way. We hope you make life-long connections here and feel equipped to fulfill your God-given purpose. REGISTER NOW Growth Track happens every first and third Sunday at 10:30 AM in the Growth Track room, and you only need to attend ONE Sunday to complete it! 1. STAY CONNECTED TO JESUS 2. MAKE IT PERSONAL 3. GROW WITH OTHERS 4. GIVE YOUR LIFE 5. ATTEND AND INVITE 6. GROUPS 7. DREAM TEAM 8. SPIRITUAL GIFTS ASSESSMENT RightNow Media is a streaming service for Bible Studies. You and our entire church community have access to it for free! Text OAKSTX to the number 49775 or tap the "Right Now Media" image above to get signed up.
- 21 Days of Prayer | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Here at Oaks Church, PRAYER IS OUR PURSUIT! We are so excited to start off the new year with 21 Days of Prayer as we get into alignment with what the Lord has in store for us in 2024. Join us from January 5th to 25th as we prepare our hearts and connect with God as a church family. Sign Up to Receive the Daily Devotional Join us from January 5th to the 25th as we pray and fast together for breakthroughs in our lives, our families, and our church! Sign up for 21 Days of Prayer by committing to fast, pray, and receive a daily devotional. Text the keyword 21DAYS to the number (469) 817-9977. WHAT IS THE DANIEL FAST? DANIEL FAST MEAL PLAN READ TODAY'S DEVO Ways to Fast As you choose a way to fast, enjoy the closeness you find with God when you set aside time in His presence. Choose to fast 1, 2 or 3 meals a day. Opt for a partial fast like the Daniel Fast. Limit yourself to a liquids only fast. Try fasting from sunrise to sunset. In addition to fasting food, also fast media such as TV, movies, and social media. Daniel What is the Daniel Fast? The Daniel Fast is based on the prophet Daniel’s fasting experiences as recorded in the Bible. The fast is a biblically based partial fast. According to Daniel 1, the results were: learning, skill, wisdom, spiritual understanding, favor, and better appearance! In Daniel 10, the fast resulted in answered prayer and spiritual insight. One of the great things about the Daniel Fast is that you are not limited to any specific amount of food, but rather to the kinds of food you can eat. THREE KEY COMPONENTS TO THE DANIEL FAST Only fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes & whole grains. Only water or natural juice for a beverage. No sweeteners, breads, meat, eggs, or dairy products. RESOURCES The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast Divided into three parts–fast, focus, and food–this book is your inspirational resource for pursuing a more intimate relationship with God as you eliminate certain foods such as sugars, processed ingredients, and solid fats from your diet for 21 days. Author Kristen Feola explains the Daniel Fast in easy-to-understand language, provides thought-provoking devotions for each day of the fast, and shares more than 100 tasty, easy-to-make recipes that follow fasting guidelines. Available for purchase at the Oaks Coffee Co. Store. LEARN MORE How to prepare for the Daniel Fast? The Daniel Fast is a unique type of fast because you can eat, unlike a liquid fast where only water or juices are consumed. But just because you can have food doesn’t mean the Daniel Fast is easy. Fasting, in any form, is difficult because you’re doing battle physically and spiritually. Continue Reading… LEARN MORE DANIEL FAST MEAL PLAN Join us for the 21-Day Devotional Start your new year with a focus on the spiritual discipline of fasting. This plan includes several passages about fasting and others that encourage reflection and closeness to God. For 21 days, you’ll get a daily Bible reading, a brief devotional, reflection questions, and a prayer focus. To join, text the keyword 21days to the number (469) 817-9977. READ TODAY'S DEVO
- Men's Breakfast | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Men’s Breakfast is an opportunity for the men of our church to eat together, be challenged by an encouraging word, and push each other to grow. The next Men's Breakfast is May 3rd at 8:30 AM $5 will be collected at the doors. Hey, Oaks Men! We’ve got Men’s Breakfast happening soon, and we're pumped to continue building new relationships and going deeper into God's Word with one another! Breakfast is $5 at the door, and we can't wait to see you and the guys there! SIGN-UP NOW Men’s Breakfast is an opportunity for the men of our church to eat together, be challenged by an encouraging word, and push each other to grow. What is Men's Breakfast? Great food, engaging conversation, a small group discussion, and a study of God's Word. What should you expect? Life isn’t just better together, it’s impossible to do alone. As men, we must prioritize healthy environments and relationships that sharpen and support us. Men’s Breakfast is a place to find those relationships! Why come to Men's Breakfast? Got any questions? If you have any inquiries about Men's Breakfast, email us at oaksmen@oaks.church or call (214) 376-8208.
- OC Online | Oaks Church | Red Oak, TX
Oaks Church Online exists for you to connect, support, and celebrate what God is doing in our church. Join the Facebook group and build community, get connected, and keep the conversation going all week! JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP NOW >> Build Community, get connected, and keep the conversation going all week! Oaks Church Online exists for you to connect, support, and celebrate what God is doing in our church. Join the Facebook group and build community, get connected, and keep the conversation going all week! JOIN THE GROUP We want to hear your voice! We actively moderate this community, so if you need us, just tag us in a post, and we will respond as soon as possible. We are glad you are part of our Facebook Group! We encourage you to: Share uplifting stories with your fellow community members. Seek advice, support, and prayer for the challenges you encounter in life. Celebrate the good things happening in your life and the lives of your family and friends. Ask questions about your faith or church happenings.