Why should I pray?
Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. Prayer gives us the chance to express our love, commitment, needs, and burdens to God. When we pause, it also gives us a chance to receive comfort, encouragement, peace, and assignments from God too.

How should I pray?
Prayer is simply talking to God, but sometimes we aren't sure what to talk to Him about. Here is a simple acronym that can help guide your prayer time!
Praise: What blessings can I thank God for today? What do I want to tell God that I love about Him?
Repent: Is there anything wrong I've done that I need to confess? Is there anything God asked me to do that I didn't do? Thank God for forgiveness, and ask for the strength to say yes today.
Ask: What are the needs, hardships, or burdens I'm carrying right now? How can I pray for the people I love? Ask God for help and to work in the places you know need it.
Yield: God, is there anything you want to say to me today? Take time to listen, perhaps even write or reflect. Let God know you trust Him, no matter what, and that the day belongs to Him.
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